


I remember spoonerism as a kid,

My dad loved it and so it’s what we did.

On the radio on a Munday sorning

Right and bearly, yappily hawning

We’d hear the tale of Rindercella

At the Bancy Fall she met her fella

The Pransome Hince found her slass gipper

We laughed so much it was a ripper


My brother rode a botormike

And me, I rode on my bushpike

The rining doom was what we ate in

And our trash went in the bubbish rin.

We had nice beighnours that lived dext noor

We had a fole in the hence to their dack boor

In our yard we’d all play foftsall

And on the radio we’d listen to the bootfall


Now I know I’m mad, as had as a matter

My mife is a less, tying in latters

But I’ve signed up for this cotography phourse

My timing really couldn’t be worse

I was thinking it might be just the tisdraction

To take me from my cropastination

But instead I sit and prite woetry

Meary De, Moe is we.


©Noelene Kuzman


Image - My own